Liver Cancer Survivor: The Surgery was Useless!

Mr. Kong Tie Guan (47, China)

I felt abdominal pain and I lost a great deal of weight due to jaundice. After an examination on April 22, 1998, it was concluded that I had a liver cancer and a surgery followed immediately.

“…confirmed the recurrence of my liver cancer.”

Everything was satisfactory and I went home immediately. Soon, I had a fever and pain which lasted a month, so I went back to the hospital. After a series of examination (ultrasound, CT scan, tumor probeds, alpha fetoproteins (AFP) analysis and liver function tests) they confirmed the recurrence of my liver cancer.

It is very difficult to detect changes of liver cancer and when it is discovered, it is often too late for surgery. My case was the best example.

I really wanted to spend my last days with my family. Hence, I went home without any therapy. The condition got worse during this period. I then went to Mr. Wang`s clinic and he immediately gave me a three month prescription of Tian Xian Liquid.

“…tumor were small and everything was normal.”

The fever decreased, energy level increased, and my appetite resumed. A further examination showed that the tumor got smaller and everything was normal.