Fluid Retention: Edema, Ascites, and Pleural Effusion

Edema (swollen legs), ascites (stomach retained fluids), pleural effusion (retained fluids in lung)

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An early sign of kidney disease is the presence of proteins in the urine (proteinuria).  This is evident when there is too much bubbles on the water when urinating. A urinalysis check for protein and blood pressure of those at risk could identify most of those who may develop kidney failure.  +1urine protein or greater +3 indicating advanced kidney disease. 60% had subnormal serum (blood) albumin concentration. The normal range is 3.5 to 5.5 g/dL. (Coping with Kidney Disease, Mackenzie Walser, M.D.)

This is a layman researcher’s insight about the processes, preventing progression of protein urine leakages and treatment of fluid retention that usually manifest itself in cancer patients and renal failure patients.

The kidney is a filtering organ with micro screening (nephrons, glomerulus) systems. Blood proteins (albumin, globulin) serves as the body’s wastewater mobile tanker. Albumins are negatively charge big molecules 3.5nm that is filtered by the kidney glomerulus negatively charge selective ultra filtration barrier (net), separating and flushing the waste fluids (smaller molecules) down the bladder as urine and recycle the albumins (now empty sponge) back to circulation to pick up more waste fluids (urine).

Glomerulus ultra filtration barrier (UFB) filters less than 1.8 and not more than 3.6nm. The blood serum negatively charged protein albumin is 3.5nm. The glomerulus UFB is negatively charged. Hence, the albumin is not allowed to pass through. Serum albumin is 3.5nm but cannot be filtered out due to the negatively charged glycoprotein. (see youtube.com biomed sessions with Ruz). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9A2dAyWyK6o

Most cancer patients are hyperacidic to start with. Probably the same is true with at risk kidney failure persons. As the disease progresses, cancer cells produce lactic acids. In the body’s effort to remain alkaline, it leaches calcium from our bones. It then becomes a free floating calcium. This free floating calcium ion crystal is like a piece of broken glass. It flows with the blood  through the kidneys slashing the nephrons/glomerulus (net) in the kidneys. This causes the albumins to leaks out.

Another possibility is that the UFB cells turning hyperacidic reverse the previously negative UFB to a positive charge , thereby allowing albumins to leak out. Chemical changes produced inside cells, for example by respiration, create different electrical charges in different compartments (inside and outside of capillaries, for example) which affect the movements of water and ions, by simple physical processes, not by molecular pumps.   http://raypeat.com/articles/articles/calcium.shtml

As proteins leak from the bloodstream into the urine, blood proteins, called albumin, exit the bloodstream. These proteins are known to be essential in the regulation of blood osmotic pressure. Without sufficient albumin in the bloodstream, the body becomes incapable of efficiently extracting excess fluid from the body cavity. This excess fluid then remains trapped in the body and ultimately results in excessive swelling.

Hence, when doing urinalysis, trace proteins are positive (+++). The blood albumin test is below normal. Without the albumins for recycling from kidney, waste fluids are not soak up for discharge as urine. The waste body fluids will be retained with symptoms such as  swollen legs (edema), distended stomach (ascites) and lung shortness of breath (pleural effusion).

The above is a simple layman’s explanation of the etiology of edema, ascites and pleurisy.

If one does a urinalysis, protein shows +++.
If one does a blood test, the albumin is below the normal range 35-50 g/L .

This is the parameter to determine to use below suggestion. However, if the above is not true, urinalysis does not show ++, the blood albumin is within normal, especially in pleural effusion, then it is inflammation of the pleura (empyema). Below does not apply and will need megadoses of antioxidants to help quench the inflammation and nebulize Silver Biotics as natural antibiotics inside the lungs (excellent for pneumonia treatment).

The standard medical way of removing such fluid retention is by using oral diuretic medication. If retained fluids does not come out, as a last resort in a hospital, the doctor will be inserting a needle to literally drain the stomach fluids (paracenthesis) or the lung fluid  (thoracenthesis). However, it is possible that after a few days, the fluids will come back.

If the blood albumin is low, there will always be fluid retention. How to increase the blood albumin? Albumin maybe given orally, such as raw egg whites (cooked egg whites are hard to digest), whey protein isolates, Biospray amino acid, or by IV of albumin.

But the root problem, hyperacidity and perforated kidney nephrons/glomerulus has not been resolved. Hence, the retained fluids once drained will return in a few days or weeks. Injecting albumin to raise the level of blood albumin will help drain the fluids but will continue to leak proteins in the urines. Soon the albumin will fall below normal. Repeating the vicious cycle.

Neutralizing the acidity is the first step.
1. Take alkaline minerals: magnesium, potassium, bicarbonates(baking soda),
2. Drink juices – fruit (lemon, lime, kalamansi) or blended green leafy vegetable or green grass juice powder,
3. Potato skin soup, fresh coconut water (potassium)
4. Eat seaweeds (wakame, dulse, kumbo, kelp, etc)or as miso soup (minerals)
5. Alkalife or Blue Miracle drops to water, baking soda solution,
6. Take Activated Charcoal 3 g at bedtime with plenty of water to avoid constipation.

2nd step is taking Chinese herbal kidney tonic (LIU WEI DI HUANG WAN or JIN KUI SHIN QI WAN) medicine. It mends the slashed nephrons/glomerulus. With improved kidney function and filtering system repaired, albumins will not leak out.

3rd step is increasing blood albumins by ingesting orally or intravenously (IV). When blood albumin is raised up to normal range, it will automatically drain the retained fluids. Observe frequent urination once albumin is raised up.

For prevention:
Test saliva pH. Should be maintained at 6.8 – 7.6pH. Take minerals, seaweeds, deep breathing exercise (releases acidic carbon dioxide), sauna, eat/drink vegetable & fruits juices, forgive and ask for forgiveness, laugh aloud, and pray for healing.

For ascites, pleural effusion or edema, we suggest to use the following:

  1. Formula 2038 (ascites) or formula 2035 (pleural effusion), 5 grams morning and evening,
  2. 8 raw egg whites/day, soy or whey protein isolates,
  3. Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (boost kidney function, repair perforated nephron/glomerulus) , 12-20 pellets X 3,
  4. CALM MAGNESIUM, 1-2 tsp in 100 ml water X 3-6/day take 1 hr before meals,

BIOSPRAY PLAIN/PLUS, 5 sprays sublingually. Hold 2 minutes and swallow. Drink water after 5 minutes to avoid mouth sores. Do 3x-10x daily.

In case it is difficult to expectorate thick phlegms, use MUCOLYXIR. 5 drops sublingual X 4 daily. Can eliminate the use of  painful phlegm suction device.

Another option to drain the fluid retention is by BEAM RAY. This device, using RESONANCE, may drain retained fluids in the body.

After taking the egg white/protein powders, it may cause one to urinate frequently. This is a good sign that waste fluids are being delivered to the kidney and comes out as urine.

LIU WEI DI HUANG WAN (YIN) maybe replace by JIN KUI SHIN QI WAN (YANG) depending if the kidney needs yin or yang. Most cancer patients have red tongue (yang).

White tongue coating means yin and needs yang (jin kui shin qi wan).
Red tongue means yang and needs yin (liu wei di huang wan).

It is suggested that any person over 50 years of age, more so for cancer patients, to take kidney tonic, either LIU WEI DI HUANG WAN (for yang or hot type)  or JIN KUI SHEN QI WAN (for yin or cold type). This will help strengthen kidney function of waste toxin elimination.

In case of proteinuria or nephrotic syndrome, which in the long run may require dialysis, will show too much bubbles during urination. The bubbles are proteins (albumins). It is necessary to take 10-20 pills of LIU WEI DI HUANG WAN. The bubbles should stop. One should also perspire. Once stop, reduce the number of pills to until no bubbles will be present. As long as no protein leakages, the fluid retentions may also diminish. If you need more information, just email your request.

Please read up on “liver detoxification pathway”. It is necessary to help the liver to neutralize toxins for elimination. Likewise, kidney tonic helps flush out toxins via urine.

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Six Flavor Rehmanni, 200 concentrated pills pack.

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Six Flavor Rehmanni, 200 concentrated pills pack. Manufactured by Lanzhou Traditional Herbs, China

Ingredients: Prepared rehmannia, Cornus, Dioscorea, Poria, Moutan bark, Alisma.

Actions: Replenishing Yin in the liver and kidneys.

Indications: Deficiency of the liver-yin and kidney-yin, and flaring-up of fire of deficiency type, manifested as lassitude in loins and knees, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, deafness, emission, night sweat, hectic fever due to yin-deficiency, red tongue with little fur, thready and rapid pulse. Also advisable for the above symptoms occurring in chronic nephritis, hypertension, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, optic neuritis and neurosism.

Directions: As dietary supplement take 8 concentrated pills each time, three times a day.

Indications: Deficiency of the liver-yin and kidney-yin, and flaring-up of fire of deficiency type, manifested as lassitude in loins and knees, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, deafness, emission, night sweat, hectic fever due to yin-deficiency, red tongue with little fur, thready and rapid pulse. Also advisable for the above symptoms occurring in chronic nephritis, hypertension, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, optic neuritis and neurosism.

Directions: As dietary supplement take 8 concentrated pills each time, three times a day.


Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan, Golden Book Herbal Extract

Bolus for Tonifying the Kidney Qi, concentrated, dietary herbal supplement, 200-pill pack, 160 mg each pill.

Have you ever felt chilly all over? If so, Golden Book Herbal Extract is just the product to use. Its special formulations of herbs gives the whole body a feeling of strength and zest which lasts a long time.

Ingredients: Chinese Foxglove (Rehmannia glutinosa libosch), Cornus Fruit (Cornus officinalis siebold), Chinese Yam (Discocera japonica thumg), Moutan Root (paeonia suffuticosa andrews), Poria Fungus (Poria cocos wolff), Alisma Phizome (Alisma plantago-aquatica), Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamonum cassia), Aconitum Root (Acconitum carmichaeli).

The recipe originates in Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber. Modern researches have proved that this recipe has the efficacies in improving hypophysis-adrenocortical function, promoting blood circulation, tranquilizing the mind, lowering blood pressure, strengthening kidney function, protecting the liver and so on.

Actions: To warm and reinforce kidney yang.
Indications: Insufficiency of the kidney yang manifested by lassitude in the loins, legs and feet, cold feeling in the lower part of the body, stiffness in the lower abdomen, dysphoria with smothery sensation resulting in inability to lie flat but rest against bed instead, dysuria or polyuria, bulgy and pale tongue, feeble pulse or deep and faint pulse, as well as phlegm-retention syndrome, diabetes, flaccidity of lower limbs, etc.

Manifestations/ Explanations
Lower back pain
Weakness of the legs
Cold feeling in the lower part of the body
Lower abdominal spasms
Premature ejaculation Kidney yang deficiency and declined fire in the Mingmen (gate of life) which cannot warm the lower jiao.
Cough and asthma due to excessive phlegm-fluid
Shortness of breath Yang deficiency of the kidneys which fails to control body fluids, leading to excessive phlegm-fluid to disturb the lungs and heart.
Dysuria Kidney yang deficiency and qi dysfunction of the urinary bladder.
Profuse, clear urine
Nocturnal enuresis
Incontinence of urine Kidney yang deficiency and qi dysfunction of the urinary bladder which cannot control urination.
Drinking a lot of water
Thirst Damage of yin due to profuse urination.
Pale, flabby tongue with white coating
Deep, thready and forceless pulse Signs of yang deficiency.

Applications: The above syndrome occurring in chronic nephritis, diabetes, vegetative nerve disturbance, senile dementia, promary stage of prostatic hyperplasia, infertility, amenorrhea, impoten, and other chroni disorders or urinary dysfunction such as edma and chronic bronchitis.

Directions: As a dietary supplement take 8 pills 3 times a day with warm water.
Cautions: It is not advisable to administer this recipe for patients with hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency and impairment of body fluid due to dryness-heat.


Below is a scientific explanation as extracted from Dr. Joseph F. Smith Medical library website http://www.chclibrary.org/micromed/00038650.html .

Causes & symptoms

The two most important factors in the production of ascites due to chronic liver disease are:

  • Low levels of albumin in the blood that cause a change in the pressure necessary to prevent fluid exchange (osmotic pressure). This change in pressure allows fluid to seep out of the blood vessels.
  • An increase in the pressure within the branches of the portal vein that run through liver (portal hypertension). Portal hypertension is caused by the scarring that occurs in cirrhosis. Blood that cannot flow through the liver because of the increased pressure leaks into the abdomen and causes ascites.

Other conditions that contribute to ascites development include:

  • Hepatitis
  • Heart or kidney failure
  • Inflammation and fibrous hardening of the sac that contains the heart (constrictive pericarditis).

Persons who have systemic lupus erythematosus but do not have liver disease or portal hypertension occasionally develop ascites. Depressed thyroid activity sometimes causes pronounced ascites, but inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) rarely causes significant accumulations of fluid.


Small amounts of fluid in the abdomen do not usually produce symptoms. Massive accumulations may cause:


Skin stretches tightly across an abdomen that contains large amounts of fluid. The navel bulges or lies flat, and the fluid makes a dull sound when the doctor taps the abdomen. Ascitic fluid may cause the flanks to bulge.

Physical examination generally enables doctors to distinguish ascites from pregnancy, intestinal gas, obesity, or ovarian tumors. Ultrasound or computed tomography scans (CT) can detect even small amounts of fluid. Laboratory analysis of fluid extracted by inserting a needle through the abdominal wall (diagnostic paracentesis) can help identify the cause of the accumulation.


Reclining minimizes the amount of salt the kidneys absorb, so treatment generally starts with bed rest and a low-salt diet. Urine-producing drugs (diuretics ) may be prescribed if initial treatment is ineffective. The weight and urinary output of patients using diuretics must be carefully monitored for signs of :

  • Hypovolemia (massive loss of blood or fluid)
  • Azotemia (abnormally high blood levels of nitrogen-bearing materials)
  • Potassium imbalance
  • High sodium concentration. If the patient consumes more salt than the kidneys excrete, increased doses of diuretics should be prescribed.

Moderate-to-severe accumulations of fluid are treated by draining large amounts of fluid (large-volume paracentesis) from the patient’s abdomen. This procedure is safer than diuretic therapy. It causes fewer complications and requires a shorter hospital stay.

Large-volume paracentesis is also the preferred treatment for massive ascites. Diuretics are sometimes used to prevent new fluid accumulations, and the procedure may be repeated periodically.
Alternative treatment

Dietary alterations, focused on reducing salt intake, should be a part of the treatment. In less severe cases, herbal diuretics like dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) can help eliminate excess fluid and provide potassium. Potassium-rich foods like low-fat yogurt, mackerel, cantaloupe, and baked potatoes help balance excess sodium intake.

The prognosis depends upon the condition that is causing the ascites. Carcinomatous ascites has a very bad prognosis. However, salt restriction and diuretics can control ascites caused by liver disease in many cases.

Therapy should also be directed towards the underlying disease that produces the ascites. Cirrhosis should be treated by abstinence from alcohol and appropriate diet. The new interferon agents maybe helpful in treating chronic hepatitis.

Modifying or restricting use of salt can prevent most cases of recurrent ascites.

The above information is an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you.




Published on Apr 18, 2014

A step-by-step tutorial about glomerular filtration. Includes an overview of glomerular filtration rate (GFR), discussing how Starling forces (hydrostatic and oncotic pressure) lead to filtration being favoured.

FUNCTION OF THE NEPHRON made easy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UVlX…

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