Intestine Cancer Survivor: Intestine Cancer Cells which may Easily Recur Disappeared

Mr. Hao Zhong Zheng, (58, China)

My health was deteriorating and I was getting thinner everyday. After a medical checkup, my doctor said that I might have cancer. I stayed at Chang Chun Medical University for further observation.

I was told that I had cancer of the large intestine. I felt an aggravating pain. The intestine cancer was in its middle stage. I had an operation at Tong Hua Hospital in Jilin province, China on April 5, 1989, a date I will never forget.

“…I took Tian Xian Liquid to prevent a relapse.”

Afterwards, I took Tian Xian Liquid to prevent a relapse. The doctor told me that even if the cancer cells had been removed, some residue in the lymph corpuscles remained that might relapse easily. In addition, I was wary of chemotherapy and radiotherapy because they cause hair loss and weakening of the body.

Intestine Cancer Survivor - Cancerous cells which may easily recur disappeared

Thus, I decided to take Tian Xian Liquid. It has been more than 5 years after the operation, and thanks to Dr. Wang, no more cancer cells were found. Six months after the operation, my weight had dropped to about 40 kgs. But it’s now back up to the original 62 kgs, and I’m working again.

There are 12 members of my family (my wife and myself, parents of both sides, 4 children and 2 grandsons). I wish to live for at least another 5 or 10 years.

“…it was Tian Xian Liquid that saved my life and let my health recover.”

It was Tian Xian Liquid that saved my life and let my health recover. To prevent a relapse, I continue with a small dosage consistently.