Colorectal Cancer Survivor: Care, Love, and Overcome Cancer

Colorectal Cancer Survivor from ThailandKanjana Jantharangsri (Thailand)

Even a cancer patient is lucky enough to have someone care and encourage him or her to fight against cancer; still, I don’t think it’s enough. The most important role is the patient himself or herself; to take better care and pay more attention to yourself and the most important part is to take care of your heart.

Cancer, a foul disease, whoever suffers from it would feel terrible!
Why me? Am I going to die soon?

Every patient needs people around him or her to encourage, care and pay attention. Some patients lost their longing for life as soon as they heard they got cancer. Their will for living and surviving would be naturally affected if they lacked of attention and care from their relatives. This would influence the whole curative effect. I was a very lucky patient who got care and love from people around me; this made me feel unusually lucky. Although you might think those were trivialities, all those meant something major to the cancer patient. With the encouragement and confidence, the patient could fight the nasty disease.

Do you want to know what kind of loving care, attention and concern I got from people around me? Please come with me! Please keep reading!

I am single, fifty-eight years old and working as a government employee in Prachinburi now. The doctor discovered that I had colorectal cancer when I took an examination on Feb. 7th, 2008; I had a surgical removal of cancer tumor in a famous private hospital in Bangkok on Feb. 11th, 2008. The doctor diagnosed my illness as 3rd stage and I had to take twelve chemotherapies. Each chemotherapy cost more than hundreds of thousand Thai baht. I requested to transfer to the national cancer center for treatment because I could not afford the expensive expense of the private hospital. I remembered very clearly that I was not very surprised like others when I heard the shocking news three days after the surgery. When the doctor announced the result, my brother, sister-in-law, and one of my sisters all had tears inside their eyes. I thought, “they probably feel sorry for me! No matter what, I got people care for me!”

When I came to nation cancer center for treatment, the doctor re-diagnosed my illness as 2nd stage of colorectal cancer. I took chemotherapy and made appointments with the doctor once three weeks for six times. During the period of my chemotherapy, supplementary enzyme made in Taiwan. The above care would always be in my heart.

The treatment of talking medicine ended in July, 2008. I thought I was healed, so I was very happy; but gosh, it didn’t last long. One year after my surgery, the doctor examined me with colonoscopy and discovered that a new tumor grew at the place where I had my surgery. The doctor examined me with colonoscopy and discovered that a new tumor grew at the place where I had my surgery. The doctor arranged me to have a proctoscope examination and three sections of tissue in order to check if there was cancer factor.

I had to empty my abdomen every time I had the examination so that the doctor could put in the colonoscopy from my anus to check the tumor; but it was very painful. On June 2nd, 2009, I had to take another surgery. During the surgery, my lower abdomen was so hurt; while I was waiting for the surgery and taking chemotherapy, my brothers and sisters were all worried about me. I lived in Prachinburi with a nurse whom I hired at the local place. They worried that who would take me to the hospital if I got ill. Therefore, my elder sister sometimes stayed at my place to accompany me after she retired; she lived in Bangkok, so she had to go to and fro. At last, my brother and sister decided to build a new house in the nearby Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima and asked me to live with them in the new house so that they could take care of me when I got ill. Now my house is finished.

The large tumor surgically removed from my large intestine, the preparation before the surgery, and the recovery after the surgery caused greater pain than I used to have. The second colorectal cancer I had was diagnosed as 3rd stage, so I had to take vein chemotherapy twelve time; and every time I had to lie down forty-eight hours for intravenous injection. Therefore, I had to stay in the cancer treatment center for several days when taking the medicine. I felt sick when I am smelt food, so I couldn’t eat at all when taking medicine. My subordinate worried that I lost too much weight because I had cancer twice; I weighed only thirty-six kilograms when I had the surgery, so my subordinate thought I couldn’t take it and tried hard to search for medicine or healthy food to ease my side effects. The result showed that there was medicament made of Chinese medicine, called “TIAN XIAN LIQUID” which could be taken at the same time with chemotherapy.

After I understood the curative effect of “TIAN XIAN LIQUID”, I bought it, took it, and I have been taking it until now. I believed that with the help of TIAN XIAN LIQUID, the side effect of the second chemotherapy was not obvious. I have taken seven chemotherapies and I am counting down when the twelfth chemotherapy will come; still, I am worried if cancer will come back the third time after twelve treatments are done.

During the second treatment, I got care and attention from my siblings, my subordinate, and my good friends. Who lived far away called me to introduce me all kinds of herbal medicine healthy food and sent me books about self-care of cancer patients and recipes for cancer patients; those who lived near came to visit me at the research institute and kept buying me healthy food while I was taking chemotherapy. Sister Ms. Ying (Napada) who worked at TIAN XIAN LIQUID company was generous to me and care for me. Though we have never met each other, she introduced me several ways of taking care of myself during and after chemotherapy and sent me books about food for cancer patients such as “Increase your immunity with what you eat” etc. every time she calls’ she reminds me, “Don’t forget to drink more water and take a rest!” I want to thank her for her care and encouragement.

Even a cancer patient is lucky enough to have someone care and encourage him or her to fight against cancer; still, I don’t think it’s enough. The most important role is the patient himself or herself; to take better care pay more attention to yourself and the most important part is to take care of your heart. People say that “heart is the master and body is the servant;” if the patient is sad and lack of confidence. I could assure you that cancer would do whatever it wants to make you lose weight so that you would not take the treatment and finally give up. I took care of not only my mind, buy also my body. I took care of my heart by doing good works, becoming a vegetarian for religious reasons, worshiping Buddha, chanting scriptures, sitting in meditation, observing the five precepts, and listening to Buddhist doctrine. I did all these before I got cancer, and I did more after that.

So, when I knew I got cancer, I was not very shocked and sad; I put up with all kinds of treatments. As for taking care of my own body, I insisted on spending at least thirty minutes trotting every day, practicing qigong, reading books on food for cancer patients and trying to do exactly the same, such as no pickled foods, no processed foods, no fish sauce seasoning, no monosodium glutamate, eating sea salt, preservative free soy sauce, and natural food like river fish, pollution-free vegetables etc.

Finally, I hope to encourage you all with my experience; I hope you could pass the difficulty, accept good treatment and behave yourself and do good works. No matter what will happen to us in the future, please believe that doing good works will speed up karma and cancer can’t do anything to us. If doing good works didn’t cause good effects, then those good works we did would follow us to the next life. If you don’t believe in the next life, you only believe this present life at least your offspring will remember those good works we did which made them proud, set them examples, and would be widely spread.

As the poem say,
Vegetation and fragrant pollen, lying a dear elephant.
The enchanting ivory still exists, the meaning inside its body will make known.
The king’s style will magnify, everything organic will disappear.
Remains exist within the seas, the world is full of kindness an evil.

Life is not the facts you repeat from memory;
Life is the happiness you remember.